Empowering Vulnerable Women
Building Self-Sufficiency Through Christ
Founded by Betty Nansiri during the Covid-19 pandemic, Empowering Vulnerable Women (EVW) helps widows, the elderly, and vulnerable families become self-sufficient. Through micro-loans, business mentoring, and spiritual discipleship, families are learning to build sustainable futures and support themselves.
By sharing resources, ideas, and skills, EVW creates a strong community centered in Christ, where financial and emotional support are offered. With quarterly micro-loans and a community garden, the program continues to provide both food and financial stability for those in need. Learn more below.
How It Works
- Micro-loans are distributed quarterly to families, empowering them to start or maintain small businesses and become financially independent.
- Spiritual discipleship and business mentoring: Along with financial support, families receive spiritual guidance and practical business training, helping them succeed long-term.
- Community-focused: Families share resources, ideas, and skills, building a strong support network through Christ.
Ukids plays a vital role in expanding the reach of Empowering Vulnerable Women by providing the financial backing and support needed to help families transition from dependency to self-sufficiency.
Providing Lasting Impact
A community garden has been established, providing seasonal funds and food to sustain the ministry. Through Ukids’ contributions, families receive the support they need to thrive, including business mentoring and financial assistance that help them grow their independence.